March 9, 2009

Have you earned your "Well done"?

After a workout my simple pleasure is to sit in the sauna and relax, journal and pray. Recently I've been listening to an awesome song by MercyMe (who is quickly becoming my favorite artist) called Finally Home. In a nutshell, this song is about what will happen when believers make it "HOME$" to be with our Lord. This song got me to thinking about those words that believers and disciples of Jesus Christ long to hear, Well Done my good and faithful servant...(Matt. 25:21 & 23). I have to ask myself (and I challenge you to do the same) what have I done to earn/own that statement. I don't believe that any believer in Christ will argue that there is always room for improvement and we certainly agree that we all fall short in some area. The question now becomes have you done all that you can do? Have you worked and pushed with the the Lord's power to the point of complete and utter physical and emotional exhaustion. Have you exhausted yourself of yourself and are now at the point where there is NO ONE else to rely on but Jesus Christ?

I've fallen short in pursuing the career that God has called me to. I have fallen short in crafting a discipleship/call to Godliness(Manhood) for my boys. I have fallen short in loving and serving my wife as Christ loves the church. This one I am most embarrassed about because this is the woman that I stood before God and witnesses acknowledging that she was a gift from Him and I've mistreated His gift. Are you man/woman enough to acknowledge your shortcomings? Are you willing to put a stake in the ground today to declare that from this point forward there will be no more "falling short", are you willing to drive the stake in right now, this instant? I have and with God's grace and power this is the last stake that will be driven. I've driven an actual stake in my backyard to serve as a reminder of this commitment. The stake reads .

Heavenly Father, I pray right now that you will give me the strength to persevere against my apathy and procrastination. By your power I grasp hold of the tasks listed above and claim them accomplished, completed and done for Your glory. By the precious blood of Your Son Jesus Christ I Pray. Amen

Drop me a note and refer your friends to this page if this post strikes a cord with you. Peace, blessings and hair grease.


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