December 16, 2011

Random Thought

I think that this presidential candidate field is a joke. With Rick Perry appearing to be a wanna be knockoff of George Bush. Mitt Romney being the rich outsider who has no comprehension of the American public. The only candidate that I might seriously consider would be Michele Bachmann, however, she has her moments where she is very Palin-esqe. This country is in dire straits, because the political system has completely forgotten that they serve the public. They serve themselves rather than their constituents. I don't believe that the forefathers of this nation truly intended for the political process to be a year round endeavor. I believe that they felt that this country was to be lead by those that the people felt would best represent them, however, while acknowledging this country has changed thanks in part to the Industrial Revolution, I believe that politicians have become power-hungry and have slowly eroded the political process that the forefathers had in mind. While I have no idea how to possibly solve the calamity that is called Washington DC, something must be done. Some have said, and I support, that every politician in office should be fired and forced to justify their position as they seek reelection. If you read my blog reply and let me know what you think. I'd be curious to know what suggestions that others might have.

July 1, 2011

FamilyGuy's Dinner Table

One of the best parts of being a dad is listening to my boys talk about random things at the dinner table, things such as their dreams, their fears, and how they will miss one another once the oldest goes off to college.  This simple statement spoken by my four year old means the world to me because wrapped up in his statement is life and ohana. 

The first, and perhaps the most important, tidbit that I take from my youngest sons statement is that our ohana is strong and healthy.  My boys are 8.5 years apart but their relationship doesn't match this generations norm for siblings who are so far apart in age.  Modern society says that teenagers are to be sullen, disconnected entities who fight against every effort by their family to engage them and keep them connected.  Now add a preschool sibling to that mix and you have two siblings who are split by their age and maturity level, modern society says that they should never get along.  Thankfully, in our family, our ohana, not only do they get along (for the most part) but they genuinely like one another.  I can't tell you how many times that my wife or I have been out with one of the boys, doing this or that, and they reminded us not to forget to get something for their brother.  Those two young men sometimes disagree strongly but when it's all said and done you better not mess with their brother. 

Another take away from my four year olds statement is an assumption, or should I say proclamation, that his brother is going to college.  This certainty is satisfying to my soul because the expectation has already been planted that my boys will go to college.  You see, I believe that my oldest is paving the way in so many ways for his younger brother that I don't mind if his little brother follows immediately in his footsteps.  My oldest has always been a thinker, someone who looks twice before leaping, and only after he has checked his safety gear.  I know that he is a natural born leader and he is beginning to use his God given gift.  The Lord has been gracious in providing such an awesome example for my youngest through his brother. 

I'm proud to call Denzel and Ian my sons.  I'm honored to have the most awesome woman any man could have ever asked God for as my wife.  I'm proud to be a member of this family.  I just pray that God will guide me so that I can be a father that they can be proud of also. 

God bless and hug your family right now, you never know when the Lord will return.