December 16, 2011

Random Thought

I think that this presidential candidate field is a joke. With Rick Perry appearing to be a wanna be knockoff of George Bush. Mitt Romney being the rich outsider who has no comprehension of the American public. The only candidate that I might seriously consider would be Michele Bachmann, however, she has her moments where she is very Palin-esqe. This country is in dire straits, because the political system has completely forgotten that they serve the public. They serve themselves rather than their constituents. I don't believe that the forefathers of this nation truly intended for the political process to be a year round endeavor. I believe that they felt that this country was to be lead by those that the people felt would best represent them, however, while acknowledging this country has changed thanks in part to the Industrial Revolution, I believe that politicians have become power-hungry and have slowly eroded the political process that the forefathers had in mind. While I have no idea how to possibly solve the calamity that is called Washington DC, something must be done. Some have said, and I support, that every politician in office should be fired and forced to justify their position as they seek reelection. If you read my blog reply and let me know what you think. I'd be curious to know what suggestions that others might have.

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