September 11, 2008

Boys will be boys!!!

My absolutely amazing and RED-HOT SMOKING wife sent me a link last night(this morning) for an article from the NewsWeek website about Struggling School-Age Boys. Below is my response and genuine feelings about the situation, let me know what you think! I dare you!

Hey love, I read a couple of the comments after the article, they are below(comments not included), and they summarized exactly what I was thinking. Boys NEED to be boys...they aren't wired to "sit still and don't move" for extended periods of time. I'm not sexist when I say this but why do you think that most men gravitate toward math and science. Math provides a problem that can broken down and the various parts analyzed and the same is true with science, the only exception is science in that we learn to make things go BOOM! I remember playing outside with my friends where we talked about and made up wonderful stories of how we could help save the world with Superman and beat up the joker with batman, that was my creative outlet. Also, I remember dismantling a Casio keyboard and my mom being so angry that she couldn't speak. I don't think she was upset so much by me taking it apart as much as the pieces that were left over after I put it back together. The cliche "boys will be boys" is more than a cliche, it's FACT. This is evidenced in our own 2 year old son who has been beating people up and jumping off of things before he could walk. He wasn't taught to do those things nor was he taught to find pleasure in doing them, he just DID. I would go as far as to say that the cliche should be amended to "boys NEED to be boys" in light of this article, not to mention the fact that so many boys are struggling with gender roles, the fact that boys are discouraged from acting on their natural tendencies and the violence in the world. I don't believe that violence will be completely eradicated until Jesus returns, however, I believe that some if not the majority of our violence results from a boys natural desire to "control and subdue" his surroundings (those that are under his control) not being properly focused and/or in most instances discouraged and repressed. If you completely seal up the valve on a pressure cooker and not allow the pressure to be bled off and more importantly be directed in a safe direction it will eventually explode and potentially cause harm to someone, boys are no different! Now I'm not saying that all boys are this way, I'm not God that designed and wired them. God created us all uniquely and for a purpose and for some boys/men that purpose requires tendencies contrary to what I stated above, but I believe that this contradiction is the exception to the rule.

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